• 14 Feb 2023

Fleet management – a guide to who, what, why and how

Anyone involved with driving for work or for the management of fleet vehicles should find our latest guide of interest as it highlights ways for businesses to improve vehicle inspections and management.

This TakeAIM guide provides useful advice on getting the most out of your fleet and covers many of the key questions and considerations that management may come across. We look at key legislation, industry statistics, grey fleet issues, and driver concerns as we aim to deliver the answers and possible solutions to help improve and implement fleet management systems.

With the large costs associated with running a fleet in today’s market, a good fleet manager can actually result in a positive return on investment, paying for themselves through savings in both operating costs and capital expenditure. A fleet of vehicles that isn’t managed, or isn’t managed efficiently, will likely experience some, or all, of the following problems:

1. Spiralling expenses related to fuel consumption, and repair costs.
2. An increase in accidents, with damage to person and property.
3. Fines related to non-compliance, and increasing insurance costs.
4. Disorganised or missed fleet maintenance of vehicles, or uncontrolled maintenance costs and no maintenance schedules.
5. Increased downtime with vehicles off the road leading to lower standards of customer service due to increasing delivery times.

Click Here to Download the Fleet Management Flyer

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