• 25 Sep 2023

We're Supporting National Scaffolding Week 2023

National Scaffolding Week provides an opportunity for members of the industry (no matter the role) to provide advice, information and valuable insights which can influence the direction of training in the industry.

The campaign, which runs from 9th – 13th October 2023 will showcase the diverse range of career options available within the industry; highlight achievements of both organisations and individuals operating within the sector and aim to inspire the next generation to take up a role within the scaffolding and access industry.

There are plenty of ways to get involved in National Scaffolding Week and after the success of last years NSW, we envisage this year to have a similar outcome. Robert Candy, Chief Executive, Scaffolding Association said; “It was fantastic to see the support that last year’s National Scaffolding Week attracted – with organisations and individuals from across the sector coming together to stand in support of a common goal."

Only together can we build a stronger, safer and more skilled workforce for the future and the team at Good to Go Safety / TakeAIM are dedicated to helping the construction / scaffolding / access industry showcase best practice and innovation. Generation Z are the most technologically advanced generation to date, they grew up in an era where mobiles, tablets and wifi (not hard wire dial up) was readily accessible. An era where selfies, hashtags and filters dominated their youth. Therefore engaging with generation Z and inspiring them into a scaffolding / access jobs can be achieved by scaffolders themselves utilising social media to highlight their own achievements, taking #instagram photos, #tiktok videos and using their mobiles as training tools.

#NationalScaffoldingWeek is the perfect week for all scaffolders to up their social media game. It's time to show the next generation that it can be fun, exciting and rewarding.

Good to Go Safety is a multi-award winning system which launched their digital version "TakeAIM" in 2019. TakeAIM was invented with the next generation in mind - with so many future workers inseparable from their mobiles, it seemed logical to develop an APP to help scaffolders monitor equipment and spot re-occurring issues.

Both the The Good to Go Safety inspection system and TakeAIM provide employees with visual reminders and essential information to maximise safety. Our scaffolding poster has been designed to highlight key components of fixed scaffolding and reinforce the importance of completing inspections - if placed within a site office or break room it will provide a strong visual reminder to employees to complete their pre-use scaffold inspections and / or ensure they remain alert to possible issues / faults.

Scaffolding must be inspected to ensure it's safe for use and it is the scaffold users/hirers responsibility to ensure that all scaffolding has been inspected.

Using the either Good to Go Safety or TakeAIM scaffold inspection checklists ensures you're compliant with PUWER, WAHR, CDM, NASC & HSE legislation and best practice.

To show our support to National Scaffolding Week we will be running the following campaigns:

• Good to Go Safety will be discounting their Fixed Scaffolding products from the 2nd to the 15th October - online orders only.

• Sign up to the FREE 1 MONTH TRIAL for TakeAIM between the 2nd and 15th October and receive a free QR Status Tag when you make your first purchase of TakeAIM credits.


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