• 07 May 2024

22-year-old carpenter sustains fatal head injury

On 30 October 2019, Niall McCormack from Kettering, Northamptonshire had been working with another carpenter at a new build construction site in Alconbury Weald, Cambridgeshire.

The pair were removing trusses from a pack, to then spread and install across there building. As they were in the process of spreading, a gust of wind caught a spandrel panel, pushing it against the remaining trusses in the pack. Both the truss pack and spandrel panel fell into the work area, hitting Niall McCormack.

An investigation conducted by the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) following the tragedy found that KM Carpentry Contractors Limited had failed to identify the risk and effect the wind could have on the stability of the spandrel panel prior to being secured in place. Additionally the method statement for the installation of the spandrel panels included lifting and placing them on the roof only after the roof trusses had been installed and permanently secured. It was found that this could not be followed as both the truss packs and spandrel panel had been lifted by crane into it's location the day before the incident.

This case highlights the importance of companies identifying the risks associated with work activities and ensuring a safe system of work is devised and then adhered to. Deviation from a safe system of work is regularly seen within the HSE press releases, usually with dire consequences.

At Cambridge Magistrates’ Court on 25 April 2024, KM Carpentry Contractors Limited, of High Street, Higham Ferrers pleaded guilty to breaching Section 2(1) of the Health & Safety at Work etc Act.

The Company was fined £8,000 and ordered to pay £6,974 in costs. The full HSE press release is available here.

Here at TakeAIM, we believe that providing employees with as many opportunities to spot potential hazards can not only help improve safety but also enhance overall operational efficiency.

TakeAIM is a safety inspection APP (free to download) which enables companies to complete inspections of absolutely ANYTHING. Coupled with a web platform, TakeAIM provides analysis, visibility and insights to help companies manage their workplace. Each inspection is automatically sent to management with the ability to attach photos or notes to provide additional information on faults, hazards or advisories.

The web platform also hosts a maintenance log which allows you to easily resolve issues, keep track of who is responsible and even keep a record of replacement parts ordered. Register an account and you'll receive free access to the system for 30 days (no credit card details required).

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