• 19 Mar 2024

Overhead crane accident fatally crushed employee

A manufacturing company (Mifflin Construction Ltd manufacture and install steel components for the construction industry) has been fined £120,000 after a employee was fatally injured in the Leominster workshop.

Steve Rooke, 55, an employee of over 27 years, sadly lost his life when a steal beam he was moving rotated and toppled over. The beam which was 18 metres long and weighed 1,800Kg trapped him against another beam causing fatal injuries.

Karen Rooke, Steve’s wife said: "It’s changed everything, every plan we had has gone and our future is cancelled. I’ve lost a husband and the girls have lost a loving dad. He'll miss out on so many things like becoming a grandparent.”

An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that the company had failed to ensure a suitable and sufficient risk assessment was conducted by a competent person to identify well known industry standard control measures. Suitable and sufficient information, instruction, and training was not provided to employees about lifting operations at the site. The company did not properly plan lifts and did not have a system for ensuring that there were adequately qualified supervisors present during lifting operations.

Businesses or organisations that undertake lifting operations or are involved in providing lifting equipment for others to use, must manage and control the risks to avoid any injury or damage.

At Kidderminster Magistrates’ Court on 4 March, Mifflin Construction Limited of Worcester Road, Leominster, Herefordshire pleaded guilty to breaching Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. They were fined £120,000 and ordered to pay costs of £50,000.

Speaking after the hearing, HSE inspector Steve Richardson said: “This incident could so easily have been avoided by simply carrying out correct control measures and safe working practices.

“Companies should be aware that HSE will not hesitate to take appropriate enforcement action against those that fall below the required standards.” Full HSE article: click here

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