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Car, Van and Vehicle Blog

Cars and vans are the most popular mode of transport in the world. With over 1.446 billion of them buzzing around the Earth.
Every year, more than 1.35 million people are killed on the worlds roads and shockingly road accidents are the number 1 killer of people aged 5 - 29 and are the 8th highest cause of death of ALL ages.

Road crashes cause between 20 - 50 million non-fatal injuries around the world, every year. At the highest estimate, this is just below the population of England.

The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal, estimates that the world is set to lose $1.8 trillion to road accidents between 2015 and 2030. That's 1,800,000,000,000 - the population of London x two hundred thousand.

Like any piece of machinery, cars and vans need regularly inspected and maintained in good working order. Don't gamble with your safety, check your tyres, screen wash and your lights. Don't speed and stay safe!

Stay up to date with all of the latest industry and legislative news relating to the safety and maintenance of workplace equipment.

We will post blogs relating to HSE prosecutions and HSE accident statistics, safety initiatives and topical events relating to equipment safety and the consequences of failing to maintain equipment at work across a wide range of industries – from farming to construction, warehousing to transport and logistics. In addition we will highlight how our Good to Go Safety inspection systems could help to improve workplace safety and help your company to reduce maintenance costs while complying with key statutory legislations such as PUWER, LOLER and WAHR.

When did you last check your car?
When did you last check your car?
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2% OF ALL ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO VEHICLE DEFECTS AND FAULTS Given that the National average age of UK vehicles is 8 years, it's no surprise that faults such as tyre blow outs, broken lights and smearing window wipers are causing accidents across the UK. ONLY 44% OF PEOPLE INSPECT THEIR CAR PRIOR TO TRAVELLING FOR WORK.. and of that 44% who do complete checks... • 30% don't check their oil levels • 42% have a warning light on their dashboard • 57% ...

Workplace Equipment Inspections - Construction - Farming - Warehousing
Workplace Equipment Inspections - Construction - Farming - Warehousing
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Numerous health and safety accidents or incidents occur every day due to equipment being used in the workplace that is improperly managed, maintained or is not made for the intended purpose. Industries such as farming and agriculture, factories, warehouses and construction are all high risk due to numerous equipment types being used daily. Employers are required to ensure that all the workplace equipment provided to employees is regularly inspected and maintained in safe working order. Th...

Tyre tread statistics
Tyre tread statistics
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A fascinating report courtesy of TyreSafe Admin National Highways Imperial College London looking at tread depth survey at the point of tyre replacement. The 2023 findings show an overall reduction in the number of illegal and borderline tyres at the point of replacement compared to 2016 but 16.7% of tyres were below the legal limit when replaced. The 2023 findings confirm the number of illegal tyres on Britain’s roads annually is potentially as many as nearly one-in-four vehicles – at just over...

A Roadworthiness challenge for Fleet Managers
A Roadworthiness challenge for Fleet Managers
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A recent global report generated from Good to Go Safety’s TakeAIM pre-use checking app, showed that one in a hundred fleet vehicles had a fault so serious that the vehicle had to be immediately removed from service until fixed. Had these vehicles been driven, it could have resulted in a breakdown and/or a collision. There are 5.4 million fleet assets on British roads. If that 1% of vehicles which were not roadworthy is extrapolated to the whole fleet, this means 54,000 fleet vehicles on any g...

Tyre Safety Month
Tyre Safety Month
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TyreSafe has announced the launch of its highly anticipated “Safe and Save” campaign as a part of this year’s Tyre Safety Month - a campaign which aims to educate and empower motorists across various groups to prioritise tyre safety, save money, and reduce the risks associated with driving vehicles with worn or under-inflated tyres. Tyre safety month, which runs throughout October 2023 and provides an opportunity for road safety professionals an ideal opportunity to run awareness, enforce...

How to save time and money with effective equipment maintenance
How to save time and money with effective equipment maintenance
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On average, predictive maintenance increases productivity by 25%, reduces breakdowns by 70% and lowers maintenance costs by 25%. Depending on the type of assets, costs and technical sophistication, a broad spectrum of maintenance strategies should be applied. One failing machine may halt the whole production process. Poor maintenance strategies can reduce the overall productive capacity of a plant by 5 to 20 percent. “Predictive maintenance increases equipment uptime by 10 to 20% while re...

How the Cost-of-Living Crisis is affecting Road Safety
How the Cost-of-Living Crisis is affecting Road Safety
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Over the last year cost-of-living has impacted us all, but when it comes to travel, the increasing costs are crippling many drivers ability to keep their vehicles maintained and road safe. In a survey (by Brake and AXA) regarding vehicle safety, 58% of people said they are worried about the cost of having their vehicle serviced, 62% concerned about repair bills and 47% of survey respondents worried about the cost of their vehicle MOT. Compared with results from a Brake survey carried...

DVSA Van Statistics
DVSA Van Statistics
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The UK uses more that three and a half million vans for business activities. As part of targeted roadside checks, the DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency) stop around 15,000 vans each year to carry out spot checks on vehicles and issue prohibitions if necessary. A prohibition prevents van drivers from using the vehicle until the problem is fixed and can cost owners and operators up to £4,000 per day, per vehicle. 59.9% of vehicle prohibitions were due to a mechanical defect / failure an...

What can you inspect with TakeAIM?
What can you inspect with TakeAIM?
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TakeAIM is supplied with a number of pre-installed checklists for the most popular equipment types used for work. If TakeAIMs range of pre-loaded inspections don't have the equipment type you require, you can create your own equipment type on the TakeAIM dashboard. This enables you to create inspections, and ask the detailed question required for even the most unique piece of workplace equipment. If you'd like to see the equipment types available, plus what is included on each checklist you c...

Fleet management – a guide to who, what, why and how
Fleet management – a guide to who, what, why and how
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Anyone involved with driving for work or for the management of fleet vehicles should find our latest guide of interest as it highlights ways for businesses to improve vehicle inspections and management. This TakeAIM guide provides useful advice on getting the most out of your fleet and covers many of the key questions and considerations that management may come across. We look at key legislation, industry statistics, grey fleet issues, and driver concerns as we aim to deliver the answers and ...

Sometimes it's "Good to Go" around in Circles
Sometimes it's "Good to Go" around in Circles
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It’s not always obvious where to start with managing driver risk. After all, there are so many different areas that need to be tackled. And how do we know whether what we’re doing is good or bad, or whether we have any glaring gaps. It’s easy to feel like we’re just going round in circles. There is a simple process that can help you, based around four easy-to-understand steps: 1. Benchmarking – Do I need to improve? 2. Gap Analysis – If I need to improve, where do I start? 3. Action – How ...

Tyre Blow Outs & Illegal Tyres on UK Roads
Tyre Blow Outs & Illegal Tyres on UK Roads
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I don't know about you, but whenever i see the husk of a blown out tyre at the side of a dual carriageway / motorway, it gives me the chills. The rubber fragments and skid marks weaving across the lanes is a firm reminder that tyre blowouts are common and extremely dangerous. Whilst analysing almost 400,000 cars over a 21 month period, Evans Halshaw found that on average 26% of UK motorists had at least one illegal tyre. Read Evans Halshaws full findings - click here Workers such...

The Benefits of Pre-Drive Checklists
The Benefits of Pre-Drive Checklists
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Driving may be one of the most hazardous working activities in the UK The government’s Work-Related Road Safety Task Group estimates that up to a third of all road traffic accidents involve someone who is at work at the time. This may account for over twenty fatalities and 250 serious injuries every week. Managing the risks to employees who drive at work requires more than just compliance with road traffic legislation. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires employers t...

Why fleet and driver safety shouldn’t be a lottery
Why fleet and driver safety shouldn’t be a lottery
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The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) have investigated an accident where a HGV driver suffered fatal chest injuries. The driver was unstrapping a load on the flatbed trailer, when the load (steel gates) fell and tragically crushed him. Andrew Bayley-Machin, 41, was fatally crushed after the steel gates fell approximately 10 ft from the trailer. Do you play the National Lottery? Millions do and, every week, they buy a ticket in the hope of winning the jackpot. Yet the odds of doing that a...

Road Safety Week begins next week
Road Safety Week begins next week
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Every year, Road Safety Week 2022 sees thousands of schools, businesses and communities involved. The theme of Road Safety Week 2022 is SAFE ROADS FOR ALL, bringing together communities, businesses and professionals to shout out for everyone's right to make safe journeys on every road. Those involved in Road Safety Week share important information, raise awareness and help raise funds to help Brake care for road victims. TakeAIM and Good to Go Safety support #RoadSafetyWeek and with just ...

1,759 road casualties linked to vehicle defects last year
1,759 road casualties linked to vehicle defects last year
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Defective and poorly-maintained vehicles were linked to 1,759 road casualties recorded in 2021. Issues such as defective lights, worn tyres and ineffective brakes caused a 7% rise on the previous year. The number of road casualties caused by defective / faulty vehicles in 2021 continued to be impacted by the UK restrictions following the coronavirus pandemic, including a period of lockdown in the first quarter of the year. There was a rise in casualty numbers compared to 2020, which was ...

Road Casualty Statistics released by Government
Road Casualty Statistics released by Government
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The Government statistics released earlier today show a post-pandemic rise of road deaths and injuries in Britain. The full report can be viewed by clicking here. The number of reported road casualties in 2021 continued to be impacted by the national restrictions following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, including a period of lockdown between January and March. Casualty numbers increased compared to 2020, which was also affected by the pandemic, but remained lower than the pre-pandem...

4 Million Inspection Checklists Sold
4 Million Inspection Checklists Sold
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To date, Good to Go Safety have supplied over 4 million checklists to companies around the UK. If you don’t currently know about our multi-award winning inspection systems, you may be wondering why so many people insist on utilising Good to Go Safety rather than simply printing their own checklists in-house? The answers are numerous …. 1. Safety First From a safety perspective, there is a requirement under PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations), LOLER (Lifting Operation...

UK Fleet Champion Awards - "Highly Commended"
UK Fleet Champion Awards - "Highly Commended"
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Good to Go Safety are delighted to announce that Brake - The Road Safety Charity - have recognised our TakeAIM team for all their hard work, excellent products and continued innovation for Health and Safety. The UK Fleet Champions Awards aim to give recognition to the many exciting developments in their industry sector and as such we are proud to see our app be Highly Commended for the two categories of: Fleet Safety Innovation Award - Celebrating the hard work and dedication of companies ...

Snow to hit Britain with -5C chill on the way
Snow to hit Britain with -5C chill on the way
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Freezing temperatures and snow has being warned on the lead up to Christmas. The Met Office has said that the UK can expect snow and icy conditions from December 19th. Weather maps from WXCharts show a freezing weather system hitting the UK from the 19th December due to air moving south from the Arctic and Scandinavia. The charts also suggest snow will fall across Scotland on the 16th and 17th December. The Met Office also warned that the long term forecast will likely include extensive fr...

Showing 1 to 20 of 20 (1 Pages)