Equipment Inspections - 25 Checklists

  • Product Code: Inspection Checklist
  • Contact us for any queries
  • £6.20

  • Workplace Inspections for Equipment Inspections - 25 Checklists. Inspections also available for equipment such as Forklifts, Ladders, Scaffolding, Scaffold Towers, Harnesses, MEWPs, Podium Steps, Pallet Trucks, Pallet Racking, Fleet Vehicles - Cars & Vans, Excavators, Trailers, Tractors, Tow Tractors, Loader Cranes, Overhead Cranes, Telehandlers

The Good to Go Safety Check Book is an innovative tool for workplace equipment. It allows workers to carry out pre-use checks and spot potential faults before they develop into a more serious and costly defect. These safety checklists are designed to help improve safety, reduce maintenance costs and ensure compliance with legal responsibilities. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) apply to a multitude of workplace equipment. With such an extensive range of varying types of equipment it is impossible to provide checklists for every eventuality. The fundamentals of PUWER state that equipment is suitable and safe for use; maintained in a safe condition and, in certain circumstances, inspected to ensure this remains the case; used by people who have received adequate information, instruction and training. Ref: HSE Guidance

Choose from an ever growing list of inspection check books and make your workplace safer with Good to Go Safety. We provide inspections for Forklifts, Pallet Trucks, Ladders, Racking, Podium Steps, Cars, Vans, Tow Tractors, Trailers, Scaffolding Towers, Fixed Scaffolding, Loader Cranes, Overhead Cranes, Excavators, Forklift Work Platforms, Harnesses, Telehandlers, Mobile, Elevating Work Platforms, MEWPS, Scissor Lifts, Boom, Straddle Carriers, Lorry Loaders and more.

Each check book contains 25 checklists allowing you to inspect your chosen equipment type. Duplicate carbon copies of the completed checklists are retained in the book for management records.

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Tags: Workplace, Equipment, Maintenance, Inspections, Audit, Form, Tagging, PUWER, LOLER, Safety, Record, Check, Books, Construction, Sites, Factories, Factory, Warehouses, Checklists, Checklist, Inspection