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News & Events

Fall Arrest Harness Blog

Harnesses are an essential piece of personal protective equipment (PPE) which is designed to maximise the safety of employees who are required to work at height. Harnesses are often used by scaffolders, roofers and many working in the construction industry. A safety harness not only improves a workers safety but it also allows them to use their hands freely whilst working

There are three main components to any fall arrest system. The mounted support point, Self retracting lifeline and a safety harness. Safety harnesses are designed to disperse the force of a falling body without this dispersion the worker would most certainly be seriously injured. For this reason it is extremely important for workers to ensure they wear their safety harness correctly.

Stay up to date with all of the latest industry and legislative news relating to the safety and maintenance of workplace equipment.

We will post blogs relating to HSE prosecutions and HSE accident statistics, safety initiatives and topical events relating to equipment safety and the consequences of failing to maintain equipment at work across a wide range of industries – from farming to construction, warehousing to transport and logistics. In addition we will highlight how our Good to Go Safety inspection systems could help to improve workplace safety and help your company to reduce maintenance costs while complying with key statutory legislations such as PUWER, LOLER and WAHR.

Farming company fined £320,000 after fatality
Farming company fined £320,000 after fatality
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A company involved in fruit and vegetable production has been fined £320,000 after a man “who always put family first” was killed at a site in Burscough. Francis Schlachter, known as Frank, suffered severe head injuries when he fell from a skip at a farm operated by M.A.Forshaw Limited on 3 January 2020. The 64-year-old from Southport was described as ‘a rock’ by his wife of 35 years Linda, who said how much he would be missed by his friends and family. Frank had been working at th...

What can you inspect with TakeAIM?
What can you inspect with TakeAIM?
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TakeAIM is supplied with a number of pre-installed checklists for the most popular equipment types used for work. If TakeAIMs range of pre-loaded inspections don't have the equipment type you require, you can create your own equipment type on the TakeAIM dashboard. This enables you to create inspections, and ask the detailed question required for even the most unique piece of workplace equipment. If you'd like to see the equipment types available, plus what is included on each checklist you c...

Company fined £200K after employee falls 8 metres
Company fined £200K after employee falls 8 metres
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The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) conducted an investigation after a Scottish man named Robin Williamson suffered live altering injuries. The HSE found that City Property (Glasgow) did not plan, organise and supervise the work, to ensure that all risks were identified and adequate precautions were in place. Robin Williamson suffered the horrific injuries after falling eight metres whilst carrying out an asbestos survey on the roof of Netherton Community Centre, Glasgow on 5 April 201...

A 64-year-old worker died after falling through cable tied guard rails
A 64-year-old worker died after falling through cable tied guard rails
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The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure was fined $125,000 in 2020 after a 64-year-old worker died, however a coroner's inquest into the death of the man has been set for next month - November 8 to 10 at Burton Law Courts. In 2020, the department plead guilty of failing to provide a safe working at height environment which could have saved the workers (James Martin) life. A jury and presiding coroner Emily Caissy will be given evidence from witnesses to determine the facts sur...

4 Million Inspection Checklists Sold
4 Million Inspection Checklists Sold
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To date, Good to Go Safety have supplied over 4 million checklists to companies around the UK. If you don’t currently know about our multi-award winning inspection systems, you may be wondering why so many people insist on utilising Good to Go Safety rather than simply printing their own checklists in-house? The answers are numerous …. 1. Safety First From a safety perspective, there is a requirement under PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations), LOLER (Lifting Operation...

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