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Rules and Procedures have changed

  • 21 Sep 2022
Since January the 1st 2021 the rules and procedures regarding work place inspections has changed. PUWER (The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998) highlights the circumstances where an inspection is required to maintain a safe working environment.

PUWER specifies that workplace equipment requires inspection when:
1. Equipment requires installation - after installation, before first use and after reassembly.
2. Work equipment is subject to conditions that may cause deterioration or failure - regular intervals to ensure equipment remains safe.
3. Work equipment has been modified or it has been subjected to conditions which may have caused serious damage - after repair and before first use.

These rules are in place to ensure the maximum possible safety for employees and members of the public. Both workplace equipment that is subjected to conditions which cause deterioration and workplace equipment that has not been subjected to such conditions could result in a dangerous and potentially fatal accident. Equipment in all environments should be inspected at regular intervals - the frequency of inspections may vary depending on the conditions. It may be assumed that outdoor equipment being used during wintery months will require more frequent inspections than equipment being used in an indoor environment, however the danger of these assumptions leads to a relaxed approach to safety. PUWER states that the frequency of inspections should be determined through a thorough risk assessment, taking into consideration the manufacturer's recommendations.

Good to Go Safety offer a range of checklists which cover PUWER Regulations. Our inspections concentrate on individual parts which are required for the safe use of said equipment. When used on a regular basis they can highlight faults which would otherwise go undetected. As stated by the HSE "The use of checklists can assist". Our checklists are simple and focus only on components which are necessary to ensure the safety of use. As stated by the HSE "Requiring too much detail too often can lead to inspection activity becoming burdensome", "You only need to inspect what is necessary for safety".

Our check books can be used in-house by anyone who has sufficient knowledge and experience of the equipment in question. This means that inspections can be carried out by multiple members of staff. For more information click on one of the related products below.

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