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Tractor Blog

A tractor is commonly know for being an agricultural vehicle, specialised to pull heavy loads or machinery at relatively slow speeds, tractors help farmers all over the world to complete their work efficiently. Available in a wide range of sizes, the tractor is engineered to bring all the traits needed for daily work, whether that be agility, expandability, versatility or horsepower.

Tractors are allowed to drive on roads enabling them to transport goods and machinery. Tractors are exempt from MOTs which after years of earth, grit and grime leaves them open to a series of serious faults. Due to many tractors being a workplace equipment they are required to be regularly inspected and found to be in safe working order prior to use. We urge any responsible farmer to complete regular inspections on their tractors and to occasionally get a trained mechanic to do a once over every year.

Stay up to date with all of the latest industry and legislative news relating to the safety and maintenance of workplace equipment.

We will post blogs relating to HSE prosecutions and HSE accident statistics, safety initiatives and topical events relating to equipment safety and the consequences of failing to maintain equipment at work across a wide range of industries – from farming to construction, warehousing to transport and logistics. In addition we will highlight how our Good to Go Safety inspection systems could help to improve workplace safety and help your company to reduce maintenance costs while complying with key statutory legislations such as PUWER, LOLER and WAHR.

Farming company fined £320,000 after fatality
Farming company fined £320,000 after fatality
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A company involved in fruit and vegetable production has been fined £320,000 after a man “who always put family first” was killed at a site in Burscough. Francis Schlachter, known as Frank, suffered severe head injuries when he fell from a skip at a farm operated by M.A.Forshaw Limited on 3 January 2020. The 64-year-old from Southport was described as ‘a rock’ by his wife of 35 years Linda, who said how much he would be missed by his friends and family. Frank had been working at th...

Now's the time for farms to change
Now's the time for farms to change
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Farmers are being reminded they must change their attitude towards safety as Britain’s workplace regulator readies itself for a wave of inspections in the coming months. Inspectors from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will visit farms across England, Scotland and Wales as part of a push to change the culture in the industry and check for compliance with long standing legal requirements. People on farms are 21 times more likely to be killed in a workplace accident than other i...

Quick thinking 16-year-old saves own life after tractor accident
Quick thinking 16-year-old saves own life after tractor accident
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An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that Earlcoate Construction & Plant Hire Limited, had failed to adequately protect a 16-year-old whilst on paid work experience. On August 3, 2021, the teenager, Tom Cutler, was hoping to start a vehicle maintenance course at Sparsholt College after gaining some work experience at Earlcoate Construction & Plant Hire Limited, Folds Farm, in the New Forest. On that fateful day he was driving a tractor down a track when i...

How to save time and money with effective equipment maintenance
How to save time and money with effective equipment maintenance
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On average, predictive maintenance increases productivity by 25%, reduces breakdowns by 70% and lowers maintenance costs by 25%. Depending on the type of assets, costs and technical sophistication, a broad spectrum of maintenance strategies should be applied. One failing machine may halt the whole production process. Poor maintenance strategies can reduce the overall productive capacity of a plant by 5 to 20 percent. “Predictive maintenance increases equipment uptime by 10 to 20% while re...

The importance of workplace site assessments
The importance of workplace site assessments
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A farm has been fined £60,000 following the death of a 43-year-old father-of-three who was electrocuted on the 13th May 2021 by a power line. Patrick Rice was unloading stone when the hydraulic arm of the dumper truck came into contact with 11kV overhead power lines at VB Farms LLP's in Devon. A Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigation into the incident found VB Farms LLP failed to carry out an assessment of how the work could be completed safely and did not consider the dangers in...

A Safer and Healthier Farm Life Environment
A Safer and Healthier Farm Life Environment
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A three-year-old child was among 27 people killed in agriculture-related activities in the last 12 months. Britain's workplace regulator has called for a cultural shift away from poor behaviours due to the rate of fatalities, which has remained high with little change. The worker fatal injury rate is 21-times higher than the average five-year annual rate across all other industries. Sue Thompson, the Head of Agriculture, at the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) has said: “The n...

Work Right - Agriculture
Work Right - Agriculture
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The Health and Safety Executive have launched a campaign called "Work Right - Agriculture" in a bid to reduce farm vehicle deaths and injuries Vehicles play a key role in farm work but incidents involving vehicles are the number one cause of deaths and serious injuries on British farms. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Britain's workplace safety regulator, is calling on everyone in the farming community to do what they can to reduce the number of injuries involving vehicles and save liv...

What can you inspect with TakeAIM?
What can you inspect with TakeAIM?
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TakeAIM is supplied with a number of pre-installed checklists for the most popular equipment types used for work. If TakeAIMs range of pre-loaded inspections don't have the equipment type you require, you can create your own equipment type on the TakeAIM dashboard. This enables you to create inspections, and ask the detailed question required for even the most unique piece of workplace equipment. If you'd like to see the equipment types available, plus what is included on each checklist you c...

Even Santa uses TakeAIM
Even Santa uses TakeAIM
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When it comes to checklists, there's no one more proficient than Santa. He has a checklist for good, a checklist for bad and since he found TakeAIM, he's managing them all digitally. Here's what Santa said about TakeAIM: As the Holiday season approaches, billions of people World-wide begin counting down the days until they can enjoy family get-togethers, gift giving and / or time off work, ho ho ho. As Christmas approaches some businesses begin to wind down as others see an influx of ...

Road Safety Week begins next week
Road Safety Week begins next week
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Every year, Road Safety Week 2022 sees thousands of schools, businesses and communities involved. The theme of Road Safety Week 2022 is SAFE ROADS FOR ALL, bringing together communities, businesses and professionals to shout out for everyone's right to make safe journeys on every road. Those involved in Road Safety Week share important information, raise awareness and help raise funds to help Brake care for road victims. TakeAIM and Good to Go Safety support #RoadSafetyWeek and with just ...

4 Million Inspection Checklists Sold
4 Million Inspection Checklists Sold
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To date, Good to Go Safety have supplied over 4 million checklists to companies around the UK. If you don’t currently know about our multi-award winning inspection systems, you may be wondering why so many people insist on utilising Good to Go Safety rather than simply printing their own checklists in-house? The answers are numerous …. 1. Safety First From a safety perspective, there is a requirement under PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations), LOLER (Lifting Operation...

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