• 28 Feb 2024

Worker loses two fingers - Company fined

An engineering firm in Perth has been fined £10,000 after an employee lost his little and ring finger.

The worker, employed by Edwards Engineering (Perth) Limited, had been carrying out maintenance work on a grain dryer at East of Scotland Farmers on 28 June 2020.

He inadvertently placed his hand into the blades of an unguarded rotary fan in the grain dryer. The fan was rotating at 1200 revolutions per minute when it came into contact with the worker’s hand. He was off work for seven weeks following the incident.

A Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigation into this incident found Edwards Engineering (Perth) Limited had failed to risk assess the task that the employees were required to undertake. On the day of this incident, there was no risk assessment for the work to be done nor was there any safe working procedure.

Edwards Engineering (Perth) Limited, Glenearn Road, Perth pleaded guilty to breaching Regulation 22 of The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. The company was fined £10,000 at Perth Sheriff Court on 16 February 2024. HSE principal inspector Fiona MacNeill said: “This incident could so easily have been avoided by simply following a safe working procedure which would have prevented access to dangerous moving parts. To read the full HSE story click here.
Regularly reviewing machinery and equipment as part of a preventative maintenance and safety regime will help spot hazards and ensure equipment is maintained in safe working order. Using an inspection system like TakeAIM will ensure that engineers can take action before faults / hazards cause minor injury, serious harm or even death.

TakeAIM has been used for completing all manner of obscure equipment such as Snow Mobiles, Wacker Plates, Subsoilers, Eyeleting Machines. At the time of writing we have not had anyone created a checklist for rotary fans but based on several HSE press releases regarding faulty or un-guarded machines, maybe it is about time companies considered adding our TakeAIM app to their management tools.

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